
“A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or the fruit from the trees belongs to the Lord.”

– Leviticus 27:30
The goal of the Ushers is to provide helpful, appropriate assistance so that the congregation can have full, active, and prayerful participation in the liturgy. Ushers help parishioners in locating seats, assist with the offertory collections, count attendance, prepare the gifts and direct the congregation during Holy Communion.

How To Participate
Parishioners, both men and women, are welcome to serve in this ministry. Ushering is an excellent way to meet friends and visitors to All Saints. Typically ushers serve once or twice a month but are welcome to serve more frequently. Parishioners who would like to participate but cannot commit to a regular schedule are welcome to serve as back-up ushers in cases of illness or vacations.

Anyone interested in being an usher should contact Connor Leahy for more information.

Margaret McBeth
Deacon Andy Fatovic

Connor Leahy

