
“The Lord said to Aaron, ‘You and your sons as well as the other members of your ancestral house shall be responsible for the sanctuary’.”

– Numbers 18:1

The mission of the Sacristans is to assist the priest and the congregation by being responsible for all the required needs and services of the altar and the Eucharist. Sacristans prepare the altar and the credence table and light and extinguish the candles before and after Mass respectively. After the Mass, sacristans remove everything from the credence table, wash, and put everything away in its proper place. After proper care for purificators used for the Precious Blood, Sacristans launder and iron linens used at Mass. Sacristans are responsible for all Masses (weekday and weekend), holy days, Baptisms, as well as First Communion and Confirmation services.

How To Participate
Any parishioner who loves working with people, is able to communicate well, and possesses patience and a giving attitude has the ability to serve as a Sacristan. New participants are welcomed, and current members will help new participants learn the duties required by the pastor and visiting priests.

Anyone interested in serving as a Sacristan should contact Stephanie Cates for more information.

Margaret McBeth

Stephanie Cates

